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May 25, 2004

AspectJ 1.2 and AJDT 1.1.10 released

AspectJ 1.2

A good day for AspectJ today. We released AspectJ 1.2, which is the culmination of months of hard work by the project team and I'm very proud of what we've been able to achieve. Full details of the release content are in the README, and you can download it from the AspectJ project home page.

Edited highlights of AspectJ 1.2 include:

  • Much faster compilation and weave times (approx. twice as fast in many cases) than 1.1.1.
  • Support for a new option -XlazyTjp which generates code that runs faster and uses less memory in some common cases.
  • Faster incremental compilation, coupled with incremental support for binary resources.
  • The return of ajdoc, which generates javadoc-like html containing information about aspects and shows cross-cutting structure (e.g. "advised-by" hyperlinks for methods).
  • Better out-of-the-box support for load-time weaving, including a sample command-line script you can use straightaway, and also a class loader and adapter implementation if you need to integrate AspectJ's load-time weaving into an existing server.
  • Much improved error messages (with source context information for weaver messages restored).
  • New lint warnings help catch common mistakes and advise on changes to serializability.
  • The new -Xreweavable option allows class files to be woven more than once.
  • A new -inpath option allows both jar files and directories to be specified as input to the weaver.

AspectJ 1.2 Install Screen

AJDT 1.1.10

Eclipse released 3.0 M9 on Friday. Time to the first AJDT bug report saying that AJDT doesn't work on M9? About 20 seconds. We released AJDT 1.1.10 this morning that both works on M9, and also includes the AspectJ 1.2 compiler. There's a lot of energy being poured into AJDT improvements at the moment, so look out for more releases from the project coming soon :- release early, release often.

A huge thank-you to all of the AspectJ and AJDT users and developers who have helped us to reach this significant milestone. We're not done yet by a long-chalk, so look out for more exciting things from these projects over the coming weeks and months.

Posted by adrian at May 25, 2004 07:13 PM [permalink]



Posted by: Brian McCallister at May 25, 2004 11:04 AM

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