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January 09, 2006

Eclipse AspectJ book examples now packaged for Eclipse 3.1 & AspectJ 5

Long overdue, but I've finally repackaged all of the examples from the Eclipse AspectJ book for easy installation on Eclipse 3.1 and the latest AJDT. Here's the download link and installation instructions.

Since the book was published, AJDT has introduced the Cross References View. If you are following along with the text, relationship information (such as "advises" and "advised by") is now shown in the Cross References View and not in the outline view. To run the junit tests for any project, simply select the testsrc folder in the package explorer and "run as... junit test" from the context menu. To run the main Simple Insurance application, select insurance.ui.SimpleInsuranceApp in the package explorer and "run as... SWT application" from the context menu. If you get an error about a missing dll, you're probably running it as a "Java application", and not as an "SWT application".

This version of the download includes all of the needed dependencies, bar MySQL which you will still need to download and install yourself to follow along with all of the Hibernate related examples.

Posted by adrian at January 9, 2006 10:44 AM [permalink]


Thanks a lot for that. I was planning on placing a for request this.

Posted by: Twice Tshwenyane [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 13, 2006 12:44 PM

I am new to Aspectj ,I am not able run the Aspectj program on Windows-XP.Please help me someone and suggest me how run Aspectj programs.I downloaded one from the Jan 2006 Insurance examples,after download is over,what is the next step to continue.

Posted by: s kotrappa [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 16, 2006 10:23 PM

Installed Simple Insurance Shared Library, Simple Insurance Example 1 and Calculator Example (Chapter 6)

Found a few unresolved references:

Project Simple Insurance Shared Library is missing required library:

Project Calculator Example (Chapter 6) is missing required library:

Digging around a bit and installing the corresponding libraries from 3.1 on my OS X install worked fine. I was able to run the unit tests for the Simple Insurance Example 1 project.

Any chance you could get Addison Wesley to put a link to your blog entry on the books page - would make this a lot easier to find.

Now, on to exploring the book, which was the point of me starting this download/install excersise in the first place :)

Posted by: Thomas Risberg [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 22, 2006 05:39 PM

Could somebody tell how I can get the examples running in linux (fedora). After the import I get a lot of errors. I can solve some of them by selecting other libraries but few stay. Are some of the libraries platform dependent?

Posted by: adjonghe [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2006 05:55 PM

I am having a very simple problem importing the tests as shown in this stack trace below, due to the fact that the package for AJDTUtils in my plugin is org.eclipse.ajdt.internal.utils not core. I am using AJDT 1.2.2 but the package looks the same for 1.3.1 as well. Any ideas???

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.eclipse.ajdt.internal.core.AJDTUtils
at org.cchw.ajdt.examples.wizards.EclipseAspectJExampleCreationOperation.configNewProject(Unknown Source)
at org.cchw.ajdt.examples.wizards.EclipseAspectJExampleCreationOperation.createProject(Unknown Source)

Posted by: bshenker [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 2, 2006 12:17 PM

I meant examples from the book, not tests in my previous comment.

Posted by: bshenker [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 2, 2006 12:28 PM

Oh my dear author, that's a nightmare for me to make the example working under ubuntu............

Posted by: WYH [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2007 08:07 PM

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